Personality Disorder Counselling Sydney

We can help

1-4% of Australians are affected by a personality disorder. This means that you’re not alone!

Personality disorders are when an individual’s way of thinking, feeling, behaving, and reacting are dysfunctional, irritable, extreme, and inflexible. These long-term patterns impact their everyday functioning, wellbeing, and relationships.

Personality disorders last over time but can be managed with treatment, as they are more than feeling a little ‘off’. Various areas of life are affected, including home, close relationships, friendships, work, study, and recreation.

Personality disorders impact individuals differently depending on their diagnosis. In general, individuals with a personality disorder will find difficulties with:

  • Their own thoughts
  • How they think of themselves and others
  • Acceptable responses and reactions, both behaviourally and emotionally
  • Relating with others
  • Self control.

Because of these difficulties, they have different interactions in various settings including at home, school, work, with family, with friends, and/or with a partner. Their engagement does not reach its potential, and treatment can assist in regaining quality interactions.

Treating personality disorders is possible, especially with the assistance of mental health professionals.

Different types of treatment include:

  • Dialectical behaviour therapy
  • Cognitive behaviour therapy
  • Psychoanalytic therapy
  • Psychodynamic therapy
  • Group therapy
  • Psychoeducation
  • Medications
  • Yoga and mindfulness.

While not all treatment options are necessary, there can be flexibility with treatment to find what suits the needs of a person most. A mental health professional can help treat personality disorders based on the types of personality disorder diagnosed to the individual.

Our Session Fees

A standard session at New Vision Psychology is 50-minutes in duration.

Registered Psychologist


  • With Medicare rebate
  • Between 8am-5pm weekdays ($158.35 after hours)

Registered Psychologist


  • Without Medicare rebate
  • Between 8am-5pm weekdays ($255 after hours)

Clinical Psychologist


  • With Medicare rebate
  • Between 8am-5pm weekdays ($153.15 after hours)

Clinical Psychologist


  • Without Medicare rebate
  • Between 8am-5pm weekdays ($295 after hours)

Insights From Our Team

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