Our Psychology & Counselling Fees

Our Fees

A standard session is 50-minutes. This applies for both counselling and assessment services. The Australian Psychological Society recommends a fee of $300 for a 45-60 minute session.

Why don’t you bulk bill?

Standard 50-minute session

Appointments available Mondays to Saturdays

Registered Psychologist

With Medicare


$158.35 after hours

Without Medicare


$255 after hours

Clinical Psychologist

With Medicare


$153.15 after hours

Without Medicare


$295 after hours

Couples Counselling

Registered Psychologist


Clinical Psychologist


* If you need an appointment outside of these hours, please get in touch with us directly.

View our fees for Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) diagnosis, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and cognitive assessment, and psychological reports.

Frequently Asked Questions

We’ve been around since 2009 and provide an exceptional therapeutic experience — right from your first point of contact, through to ongoing support. We go the extra mile to help you achieve your therapy goals. Click here to learn more about the values that drive us and how we demonstrate them in everything we do.

A Medicare rebate of $96.65 per session for seeing a Registered Psychologist and a rebate of $141.85 per session is available for seeing a Clinical Psychologist.

To be eligible to receive psychology services under Medicare, a person must be referred by their general practitioner (GP) and in some instances by another medical specialist.

The first step could be the hardest: recognising and accepting that you need help for your mental health.

To be eligible to receive psychology services under Medicare, a person must be referred by their general practitioner (GP) and in some instances by another medical specialist.

Many people do not have a regular GP. Simply find your nearest medical centre that does bulk billing to see a general practitioner. Make sure that you bring your Medicare card so that you do not have to pay for the consultation.

Once you’re at your appointment, tell your GP about what you’re going through, and ask about a mental health treatment plan.

If you haven’t received a diagnosis for a mental illness before, your GP will need to assess whether you have a diagnosable mental illness.

Often the GP will want to make another appointment, because to do a quality plan they usually need longer than ten minutes.

If they think it’s the right decision, your GP will refer you to a psychologist for up to six Medicare rebatable sessions. A Medicare rebate is where Medicare will refund you part of the cost of your appointment with a doctor or specialist.

It is important that you feel comfortable with your psychologist so it is okay to change who you’re seeing if it’s not working.

Please note that every session you have counts toward your limit of rebatable sessions.

So even if you “start over” with a new psychologist, your rebatable sessions won’t be refreshed until the New Year.

Rebates are available for clients with a Medicare Mental Health Care Plan, or through client’s private health fund.

Rebates on psychological services are dependent on your health fund and your level of cover. Please enquire with your health fund for specific details.

Payment is made at the end of each session and is available via cash, eftpos and credit card.

Rebates can also be provided immediately via debit card.

For a number of psychology services, New Vision Psychology is able to offer online counselling support.

Provisional psychologists are interns who are undergoing training and being supervised by fully registered psychologists. They have studied for 4 or 5 years, and require 1 or 2 more years of supervised practice, before they may receive their full registration from the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA). Provisional psychologists are not eligible to provide a Medicare rebate.

Registered or general psychologists have received their full registration from AHPRA. They have completed at least 6 years of studies and training. More than 60% of Australia’s psychologists are registered psychologists. Psychologists with a general registration apply their skills across a broad range of professional settings. They assess, diagnose and treat a wide range of clients and areas of concern. They also conduct psychological assessments and write psychological reports. They do not have an endorsement in a specific area of practice. Registered psychologists are eligible to provide a Medicare rebate of $96.65 per session under the Better Access to Mental Health Care initiative.

Clinical psychologists have an endorsement in the area of clinical psychology. They have completed at least 8 years of studies and training. Clinical psychologists design and implement treatment strategies in clinical settings such as primary care, psychiatric and rehabilitation settings. In private practice, clinical and registered psychologists often do similar types of work. Clinical psychologists are eligible to provide a Medicare rebate of $141.85 per session under the Better Access to Mental Health Care initiative.

At New Vision Psychology, all our psychologists are registered or clinical psychologists. They meet high standards in education, training, supervised practice, ethics and ongoing professional development. They are also able to provide Medicare rebates. Whether you’re seeing a clinical or registered psychologist, you should expect the same quality of care, ethical behaviour and standard of practice.

For registered psychologists, after-hours fees are $255 per session or $158.35 after Medicare rebate.

For clinical psychologists, after-hours fees are $295 per session or $153.15 after Medicare rebate.

Make an appointment with your General Practitioner (GP) or a relevant medical specialist to get a Mental Health Treatment Plan. We will be able to process your rebate if you

1. Submit your referral through the portal by clicking HERE,

2. Email this to hello@newvisionpsychology.com.au. or

3. Ask your GP to fax it to 02 80681113.

Please do not bring your MHCP to your session with the psychologist as our admin team is offsite and this may significantly delay your Medicare rebate.

This will enable you to claim a Medicare rebate of $96.65 per session for a Registered Psychologist, or $141.85 per session for a Clinical Psychologist.

You can receive Medicare rebates for a maximum of 10 sessions per calendar year. Your rebate will be provided immediately after each session.

To book your first session, we charge a $20 non-refundable deposit which will go towards the total fee payable at the end of your session.

For follow up appointments, you can pay the full fee after your session.

If booking an appointment within 24 hours, you will have to pay the full fee upfront due to our 24-hour cancellation policy.

When booking online, you will have to pay the full fee upfront every time. If you prefer not to do so, call us to book and you can pay after your session.

Our preferred payment methods are credit card, debit card and EFTPOS. In exceptional circumstances, we can accept bank transfers (EFT) and cash (except for the first session).

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