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Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is typically characterised by hyperactivity, excessive inattention, trouble focusing, paying attention or completing tasks or activities, as well as impulsive and often disruptive behaviour. It is a brain development disorder that affects between 2 to 9.5 percent of school-age children worldwide and one in 20 children in Australia.
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There are three kinds of ADHD as identified in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders (DSM-5):
Children with ADHD often tend to be disruptive, restless, prone to tantrums, have difficulty completing tasks, and will often become a distraction in the classroom. Without diagnosis and adequate treatment, a child’s behavioural problems can arise which can contribute to adolescent delinquency, problems with peers and academic underachievement.
The acronyms ADD and ADHD are frequently used interchangeably, creating much confusion worldwide. ADD stands for Attention Deficit Disorder, and ADHD stands for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.
Both are brain development disorders characterised by excessive inattention, hyperactivity, difficulties paying attention and completing tasks, and impulsive behaviour.
What is ADD?
ADD specifically refers to the inattentive type of ADHD, which is one of three types of ADHD now recognised by international medical practitioners.
It differs from ADHD, which is now the official term, that recognises hyperactivity as well as inattentiveness.
ADD stands for Attention-Deficit Disorder, a neurological condition in which individuals struggle with focus, concentration, and attentiveness.
Are they the same?
The difference between ADD vs ADHD is that ADD is the old term, and ADHD is the new term.
The DSM is the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, published by the American Psychiatric Association, and used in many countries internationally as a foundational guide for mental disorders and diagnoses.
ADD, the acronym for Attention Deficit Disorder, was the official term for the disorder under the DSM publications until further studies were conducted in the 1980s.
This research concluded individuals could also have the condition while displaying hyperactive tendencies. Hence, the disorder was aptly renamed to ADHD, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.
ADHD officially became the new term and acronym for the disorder under the 1987 DSM-III, with updated diagnoses in the 1994 DSM-IV.
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder has been researched for well over a century and has been documented in every country and every culture in the world. This research has identified several possible genetic factors that may contribute to the development of a child’s behaviour and ADHD.
These factors include:
Researchers have also identified significant environmental factors which can increase the risk of developing ADHD such as premature birth, prenatal exposure to nicotine or alcohol and toxins in the body.
Parents and caregivers should also note that despite rhetoric and anecdotes, there is no scientific evidence linking ADHD with immunisations, vaccines, allergies, food additives or eating too much sugar.
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder may be evident as early as infancy, however most ADHD symptoms generally arise between ages three and five.
Symptoms include:
It is common for a child’s teacher to bring it to parents’ attention, as primary school is typically when the child’s disruptive behaviour becomes most detectable.
While it is not your responsibility to diagnose yourself or your child with ADHD, it is important to know what you’re looking for.
The DSM-5 identifies two criterium depending on the ADHD subtype being assessed:
For ADHD to be seriously considered, multiple symptoms must have been present before the age of 12, symptoms must be sustained for at least 6 months, and several of the symptoms must be present in multiple settings i.e., at home and at school. The disorder must also interfere with the quality of the person’s social and family life as well as schoolwork, and be inappropriate for the person’s level of development.
For most parents, a diagnosis is usually made by a specialist paediatrician or child psychologist after a referral from a doctor.
It is important to note that there is no definitive test for ADHD. However, a psychologist or trained specialist can perform a detailed assessment using a range of tools to arrive at a diagnosis.
To find out more about the diagnosis process, what to expect, and our schedule of fees associated with ADHD screening and diagnosis, give us a call on 1300 001 788 or contact us via our online form.
If you think you or your child are displaying ADHD symptoms, the first step is to consult your personal physician.
There are various medical conditions that can influence attention and behaviour such as traumatic brain injuries, diabetes, thyroid problems, vitamin deficiencies, food allergies, anxiety and depression. If all of these medical explanations can be ruled out, your doctor will refer your child to a mental health professional to be assessed.
Diagnosing children with ADHD is not as simple as taking a test. Rather, ADHD is diagnosed by psychologists or paediatricians evaluating the patient’s history and performance in social situations, at home and at school and assessing them based on the criteria listed above.
Parents and caregivers should not be alarmed by their child’s ADHD diagnosis— ADHD is not a bad thing. Many successful people have been diagnosed with ADHD including Olympic swimmer Michael Phelps, business tycoon Richard Branson, founder of Microsoft Bill Gates and President John F. Kennedy.
People with ADHD can be wonderfully creative, inventive and imaginative, and with treatment, support and positive environments, they are capable of flourishing and contributing significantly to society and others.
There are several misnomers about ADHD:
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is perfectly treatable and those who are ADHD diagnosed with it can go on to live productive, fulfilling and successful lives with great mental health if given access to the appropriate learning and behavioural plans, positive parenting, counselling, and medications.
There is no miracle cure for ADHD, but a diagnosis is nothing to fear.
There is a combination of ways for managing ADHD, but the most popular and effective strategy for children with ADHD is a mix of positive parenting, learning and classroom strategies, sticking to a consistent routine, and actively building social skills.
As you can imagine, people with ADHD— particularly children with ADHD— can be easily bored or distracted. To combat this, it is advised to implement structure and routine to their lives. By having consistent set times to do work in warm, welcoming, decluttered workspaces; productivity and enthusiasm can be increased. Ensuring ample breaks will also prevent boredom and fatigue.
When dealing with children with ADHD, building self-esteem and acknowledging positive behaviour is integral in shaping behaviour as well as physical and mental health. By setting achievable goals, congratulating them, highlighting their best work and reviewing their accomplishments, parents and caregivers can create a sense of confidence, self-esteem and renewed interest in education and household duties.
This approach can also be applied to socialising. A child with ADHD should not be overstimulated, so when socialising, stick to small groups of two or three. Again, reward appropriate behaviour like playing in a friendly fashion or sharing when it is observed and actively teach against negative behaviour and responses by having them think about the consequences.
Medication can be a scary word, especially for parents, but deciding to use ADHD medication is not the end of the world. In mild to severe cases of ADHD in a child, medication is necessary and can be used in conjunction with strategies, counselling and the positive lifestyle choices mentioned above.
There are two types of medication: stimulants like methylphenidate and dexamphetamine and non-stimulants like atomoxetine and guanfacine. Stimulants are most popular and tend to last between three to 12 hours. Non-stimulants are generally used in the rare case that a patient has an adverse reaction to stimulants.
Like any medication, there can be side effects, though it is not common in ADHD medication. Stimulant medication has been studied at length and is considered safe; however, it is important for parents and caregivers of a child with ADHD to monitor the effects of any medication closely for signs of loss of appetite, trouble sleeping, stomach aches, headaches, irritability or emotionality. As a general rule, any person taking stimulant medication should be assessed by a doctor at least every six months, and if any changes occur a doctor should be sought out immediately.
Possibly most important, people with ADHD need a network of support from their friends, family and loved ones or a support group. With strategies in place and clear, transparent and honest communication between their connections, people with ADHD can be organised, understood and ultimately thrive.
For more information, visit www.adhdaustralia.org.au or contact our team.
New Vision Psychology is a clinical private practice based in Sydney’s CBD, with clinics in Martin Place, Burwood, Castle Hill, Chatswood and Hurstville. We have psychologists who have extensive experience with counselling for children, teens and adolescents.
Established in 2009, Directors Danni Zhang and Johan Crouch were driven by their desire to make a difference in private practice. As seasoned practitioners in the industry, they noticed a few problems – some psychology practices were cold and impersonal, others were selective with who they chose to take on, and many had long and indefinite wait times. People trying to seek help often felt out of place, uncomfortable and weren’t treated equally. They found this unacceptable for an industry based on trust and human connection. This is when they set out to create a place that was inclusive, respectful and welcoming for everyone.
New Vision Psychology can help with 5 convenient locations across Sydney.
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